About me

Saturday, December 3, 2016

If I Worked At a School

     I really had to think about this because I had to think a little bit more about myself and how I am as a person on this one. What subject would I work best at? I narrowed down to a school counselor, a P.E. teacher, or a technology teacher.
     For a school counselor I am a very vivacious person. I have both sympathy and empathy for others and am very open minded when it comes to understanding someone. I can relate to others on how they are feeling or what they are going through. I feel like having sympathy and empathy is key when it comes to issues in someone else's life because you could help them out better and more easier.
     When it comes to sports I can never pick a favorite sport. I play all kinds of different sports which is something a lot of people don't do. Some people just favor one or two sports because they are good at them, but I play variety of sports even if I'm not that good. But I always tell myself that team work is more important in a game than individual skill. As people say, "There's no I in team."
     On my dad's side of the family, we are tech savvy. My dad is really into computer science and technology, and is always showing me short cuts and new software. I always learn something new everyday about technology whether it is something to do with my laptop or my phone. Learning new things about technology is something I enjoy and find extraordinary, incredible, and phenomenal.
     When it comes to my conclusion, I would be a technology teacher for middle school kids. I picked middle school kids because that is the time where kids are getting laptops, phones, and other cool technology devices. By this time, kids have a general idea on how technology is and works.

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