Last summer, I went to Puerto Rico. I was really excited because I had never been there so this would be my first time. I would be taking a four hour flight straight from Chicago, to the island. Going would be my mom, my aunt, my grandpa, my two cousins, and I. Our flight was at 6:30 AM, so we got there an hour early to check in.
Once we boarded the plane, we took our seats. My cousin Jayden, mom and I sat together, and my aunt, grandpa, and my cousin Amaiya sat across from us. Sometimes I get a little nervous from flying cause every time we fly, I get a massive headache, so I made sure I took two Advil before we took off. "Hello ladies and gentleman", the Captain said. Please fasten your seat belts for take off. Then the engines roared.
When I woke up the plane was shaking and bags for flying off the shelves. I had no idea what was happening. The Captain spoke on the monitor and directed everybody to fasten their seat belts again. "Sorry ladies and gentleman, we are experiencing a little turbulence." Jayden's pop spilled all over his bag and hat. I was laughing even through the turbulence. Then everything stopped.
I knew this was going to be a good summer vacation.